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Community Head Injury Resource Services

Residential Services


Residential Services:


Michele Graham, B.A., Psych.,
Manager of Operations
Certificate in Rehabilitation Services


CHIRS provides a variety of long-term, supportive housing options. The Residential Team works collaboratively with the individual receiving services, their family, clinical consultants and Adult Day Services to deliver comprehensive, individualized programs and support.

Residential Services are designed to provide flexible, individualized supports, which maximize functional independence in all areas of community living. The type and amount of support varies with the unique abilities and needs of each individual. Service Plans are developed and implemented in collaboration with each individual and their family.

CHIRS offers a range of living options, within a variety of residential settings. We make every effort to ensure that each individual resides in an environment best suited to his or her current needs.

Family and Friends

The extent of involvement of family and friends depends on the wishes of the resident and his or her family. CHIRS is committed to facilitating and encouraging these relationships. There are numerous opportunities for involvement including casual visits at the residence, visits to the homes of friends and families, special events and service planning meetings.

For more information on Residential Services, please contact the Intake Department at CHIRS.

People First
Dignity and Respect
Excellence and Quality
Integrity, Accountability, and Ethical Conduct
Flexible, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial
Accessibility and Inclusiveness
We at CHIRS acknowledge that we are visitors on this land which was originally named Tkaronto and is the traditional territories of the Anishinabee, the Haudenosaunee, the Mississaugas of the Credits, and the Wendat peoples. We also acknowledge the vast diversity of Indigenous people who have lived, and who are currently caring for this land locally and across Turtle Island. We acknowledge that this land is covered by Treaty 13 and One Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant. CHIRS will continue to walk together with all people to nurture all their abilities and gifts to better this land. CHIRS is aware that this acknowledgement is only first steps and actions are needed to truly honour the relationship with the land and Indigenous people.
CHIRS works in partnership with Ontario Health and the Government of Ontario
© 2025 All rights reserved. Community Head Injury Resource Services (CHIRS) • (416) 240-8000